Jeff Moore headshot


  • Governmental Accounting & Financial Reporting
  • Communication & Public Speaking
  • Arbitrage Education
  • Financial Systems & Operations
  • Governmental Enterprises
  • Change Management

Jeffrey A. Moore, CPA CGMA

Business Development / Client Support

With over 30 years in local government financial management, Jeff Moore cultivates new business partnerships and provides invaluable professional support to current and prospective clients.

Complimenting his Business Development role, Jeff serves as a liaison and helps potential clients to understand arbitrage rebate requirements and compliance challenges. He also shares his extensive understanding of financial matters and the fiscal operations required for sound financial leadership and constructive problem solving. Personable and professional, Jeff puts current and prospective clients at ease while creating effective work dynamics to assist in navigating the complexities of arbitrage rebate.

Jeff is a CPA (North Carolina) and a Chartered Global Management Accountant and remains an active member in the profession. He speaks on various topics including understanding arbitrage for the uninitiated, auditor-auditee relationships, improving the governmental finance function, principles of investments, and reinventing the finance department.

Professional Memberships

GFOA U.S. and Canada

NCGFOA (President in 2009-2010)

American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

NC Association of CPAs

B.S. Accounting – University of North Carolina

A.A. Business – Brevard College

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