- Parity Debt Service Reserve Funds & Commingled Funds
- Transferred Proceeds
- Interest Rate Swap Transactions
- Universal Cap Analysis P3 Projects
Patrick Bainter
Vice President
With over 20 years of experience at Bingham, Patrick handles complex arbitrage rebate and comprehensive verification services. He specializes in municipal, university, assisted living facility, industrial development authority, public-private partnerships (P3), and not-for-profit [501(c)(3)s] issues.
As Bingham’s leader for verification services, Patrick has consistently been at the forefront of the firm’s development and progress. In 2012, he initiated and developed Bingham’s verification analysis models with support from Bingham’s CPA. For pre-bond closing transactions, Patrick provides verification services for refunding escrow funds and cash defeasance transactions, ensuring mathematical accuracy. With proven expertise and using customized software programs, he confirms the adequacy of cash, escrow yield, and securities placed in escrow for the retirement of bond issue(s).
Patrick and his team have provided over 600 reports for a wide variety of clients, including a regional Authority, six international airports, over thirty universities/colleges, and major transportation projects. In 2022, Patrick led the completion for two of Bingham’s largest verification engagements, with bond par amounts exceeding $1 billion and $638 million for those two separate transportation projects.
Since 2015, Patrick has completed over 2,700 complex arbitrage rebate calculations, always playing close attention to the potential to reduce rebate liability. He has significant experience providing both arbitrage rebate and verification services to P3 (public private partnership) projects.
Professional Memberships
GFOA - Virginia, Georgia, Louisiana, North Carolina, Maryland
B.S. Finance – Virginia Commonwealth University